About Us
We are a team of highly experienced professionals and led by Ex-IIT and IIM alumni.
We have highly reputed and eminent mentors and advisors who bless us and motivate us to constantly evolve and perform better before.
Our clients benefit from our cumulative experience in technical, management and marketing domains to derive most innovative and efficient solutions to their needs and objectives. We are evolving ethical eco-system for real-estate deals through our portal (www.rightpropertydeal.com).
We have also created a niche platform for revolutionising policy reforms in the country through our social enterprise initiative called India Reforms (www.indiareforms.wix.com/indiareforms).
The concept was also pilot tested at CIIE, IIMA and received great support and acceptance from the participants.
Our Associates & Channel Partners
DRS Technologies(USA)
Cybernet India
White Canvas
Greenship Technologies
First Green
Genus Power & Infrastructure
CCCL Infrastructure
Kothari Associates
Kaltech Energy
Bankfin Consulting